How to hang your curtains correctly
Choose the right hanging
Our made-to-measure curtains are created to blend seamlessly into your home decor and offer a perfect fit for your windows. By offering made-to-measure curtains for your home, we can ensure that every room gets the perfect touch of style and function.
Every home is unique, which is why we offer a wide selection of fabrics, patterns and styles to suit your personal tastes and preferences. Whether you prefer elegant curtains or minimalist curtains, we can customize curtains to suit your style.
This is a question with many answers because it's a matter of taste. But there are a few things you can do to make sure your curtains hang as nicely as possible and make the room look bigger and airier.
One of the most classic tips when it comes to how curtains should hang is that they should hang high.By this we mean that the curtains should hang as close to the ceiling as possible and then fall all the way down to the floor.If you do not have the opportunity to mount curtain rails directly on the ceiling, you can mount them on the wall but just at ceiling height.
A good rule of thumb is that the curtain rail should be at least 20 cm above the top window strip, but the higher the better as this enlarges the window.Here at GARDINEX we have curtain rails that can be mounted both on the ceiling and on the wall. They are easy to install and hanging your made-to-measure curtains is simple.
Wave curtains are most often seen in social rooms to create a modern, harmonious and luxurious atmosphere. They not only look beautiful when drawn, but stack back very neatly when not in use, helping to maximize light in a room. When it comes to installing waveguard curtains, it needs a little more space due to its shape and will 'stick out' about 10 cm from the wall.
The length of your curtains is very important, if they are too long they will drag on the floor and there is a risk that someone will step on them or they will get dirty. If they are too short, it will look weird and the room will feel smaller.
How should curtains hang when it comes to length then? You can either let the curtains hang so that they hover just above the floor. Or you can let them drag on the floor by a few centimeters.
With us you can buy made-to-measure curtains to get exactly the length you want.
More fabric is preferable when it comes to curtains. If you have a narrow curtain next to a large window, it will look out of place.A rule to follow here is to have at least twice as much fabric as the window is wide, but you can have more. A lot of fabric creates a warm and cozy feeling reminiscent of a luxurious hotel room.
The way the curtains are hung depends on the window and the room. If the window is centered in the middle of the room, you can hang curtains on either side of the window. If you have different amounts of wall on each side of the window, a tip is to hang a narrower curtain on the smaller side and a wider curtain on the side where you have a lot of wall.If the room is small and narrow where there is not much wall, it may be enough to hang a narrow, thin curtain on one side of the window to cover as little of the window as possible.
Keep in mind, however, that the curtain should be as wide as the window so that you can pull it if necessary.If you have several windows in a row, it can be a little tricky to know how to hang the curtains. If there is a wall between the windows, it is nice to hang curtains there as well.

Do you want our help?
At GARDINEX we are happy to help you with advice on your new curtains. We offer a free design meeting to help you with custom-made curtains.
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Hang curtains high! Let the curtains hang as close to the ceiling as possible and then fall all the way to the floor.Always try to mount the curtain track on the ceiling. If this is not possible, you can mount it on the wall but just at ceiling height.
If you have stucco, mount a wall-hung rail just below the stucco / molding.A good rule of thumb is that the curtain rail should sit at least 20 cm above the top window molding but the higher the better as this enlarges the window.
One of the most classic tips when it comes to hanging curtains is that they should hang high. By this we mean that the curtains should hang as close to the ceiling as possible and then fall all the way down to the floor.If you do not have the opportunity to mount curtain rails directly on the ceiling, you can mount them on the wall but just at ceiling height. A good rule of thumb is that the curtain rail should be at least 20 cm above the top window strip, but the higher the better as this enlarges the window.
You can either let the curtains hang so that they float just above the floor. For a more modern and minimalist style, choose curtains that float just above the floor.For a more romantic and French style, choose curtains that drag on the floor.With us, you can buy made-to-measure curtains to get exactly the length you want.
If you have different amounts of wall on each side of the window, a tip is to hang a narrower curtain on the smaller side and a wider curtain on the side where you have a lot of wall.If the room is small and narrow where there is not much wall, it may be enough to hang a narrow, thin curtain on one side of the window to cover as little of the window as possible. Keep in mind, however, that the curtain should be as wide as the window so that you can pull it if necessary. If you have several windows in a row, it can be a little tricky to know how to hang the curtains. If there is a wall between the windows, it is nice to hang curtains there as well.
A lot of fabric is preferable when it comes to curtains. If you have a narrow curtain next to a large window, it will look out of place.
A rule to follow here is to have at least twice as much fabric as the window is wide, but you can have more. A lot of fabric creates a warm and cozy feeling reminiscent of a luxurious hotel room. -
The idea of curtains is not to cover and diminish your windows, but to frame the room beautifully with curtains, it is important to cover the walls generously with fabric so that your windows are framed. This creates both a luxurious and cozy feeling in the home.